Focus keyphrase: Thomas Jefferson book bans
In light of the current arguments over how book access should be regulated, it might be worth checking what one of the most beloved and heroic Founders – Thomas Jefferson – thought on the matter. Jefferson’s philosophy created an intellectual and moral ground for American political system in many areas, including the freedom of human mind, religion and expression. In this mini lecture, we will go through some of the arguments Jefferson offered in support of the freedom of human mind – from the priest and the magistrate. We will discuss his writings on the approaches he viewed as best to defend the truth and tell the rights from wrongs. Also, we will go over the particular case when Thomas Jefferson literally purchased a banned book – and what came after that. Let’s travel through the book shelf together!
Mini video lecture:
References used in the video: Library of Congress:; National archives:; Monticello archive:
2 responses to “Would Thomas Jefferson support ban books?”
Thank you for the informative lecture! It is particularly important today for Americans to learn about this and consider what the Founders would have thought of the current trends of silencing ideas through banning books and other methods.
You are welcome John A! We will keep working on informing We the People.